Konzert im Buchholz-Saloon - 23.04.2023 | Fotogalerie
Konzert im Buchholz-Saloon
Bellas Bartok
Ein Konzert mit Bellas Bartok findet am 23. April 2023 um 16:00 Uhr im Buchholz-Saloon statt. Einlass ist um 15:00 Uhr.

Info des Veranstalters:

Bellas Bartok
All little children grow up, one day --- all except the bedazzled and glittered boys of Bella’s Bartok. Inspired by elements of Vaudeville, centuries of street performance, and an unyielding drive to promote camaraderie, Northampton, MA-based Bella’s Bartok delivers a passionate kaleidescope of sound. The songs are born of Americana and folk music of their immigrant grandparents, blended with the joy of a particular brand of pop sensibility. Their performances are at once a primal stand against oppression and a declaration of joy in the face of adversity. From quiet reflections on loss, to the howl of justice in four-part harmony, Bella’s Bartok sonically and lyrically delivers a sweaty, soulful dance-party that is sure to leave the audience happily breathless.

Datum & Uhrzeit
event 23.04.2023
access_time 16:00

Wesendahler Str. 12
15345 Altlandsberg

Kontakt: Buchholz-Saloon, Tel.: 033438 729988
Mehr Informationen unter: http://www.the-buchholz-saloon.de/...

Wann: 23.04.2023 - 16:00 Uhr

Buchholz-Saloon, Wesendahler Straße 12, 15345 Altlandsberg,

Veranstalter bzw. Veranstaltungsort:

15345 Altlandsberg, OT Buchholz, Wesendahler Straße 12

Tel.: 033438 729988

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